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Gabung Kami - Janten Relawan

If you would be interested in joining our volunteer team please email Yvonne Rowley

Kami tujuanana pikeun ngagampangkeun saloba-lobana nawaran pangrojong, kalebet tapi henteu sacara éksklusif:

Nafsirkeun jeung Tarjamahan
Tutor barudak umur sakola
ngumpulkeun dana
Jasa lianna, kayaning konseling jeung karya nonoman
Koordinasi, ngumpulkeun sareng nyortir barang anu disumbangkeun
Orientasi wewengkon lokal
Média sosial

Naha anjeun Pashto atanapi Dari Speaker?

Shropshire Ngadukung Pangungsi hoyong ngadangu ti anjeun.


Kami néangan jalma pikeun mantuan kami ku tarjamah pikeun  kulawarga anu sumping ti Afghanistan sareng ngabantosan aranjeunna pikeun netep di Shropshire.

What our volunteers have to say...

“It has meant true friendship - learning about a different culture - celebrating being human - sharing creativity together”     Denis 

“Having spent many years myself in a different culture I always treasured opportunities to get to know people from that society and share ideas, knowledge, friendship and general life outlook. SSR has given me the chance to return that. How else would I ever have got to know these amazing people.

We’re often miles apart in beliefs and lifestyles but what matters is seeing people as themselves and sharing laughter and concerns and common humanity.

SSR makes these things possible”      Lorna

“To help the family has been such an amazing experience.  The children are such kind and caring humans.  Mum and Dad are so grateful and generous.  I consider them great friends who would do anything to help as we would to help them.  Its so rewarding and I will continue to support my families and others”      Becky

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